Monday, March 07, 2005

Show Choir Invitational

Show Choir Invitational
Last Saturday our school hosted 27 choirs in an invitational. A lot of work for everyone but Ricky was in his element. He took seriously his job as room host for one choir, staying late on Friday decorating the room. Then back on Saturday at 6 am. At one point I saw him slither under the stage in his black tuxedo and patent leather shoes, shirt hanging out, to unfasten something. I groaned. Mid-afternoon his choir performed an exhibition show and Ricky seemed to dance with more energy than any of the other boys. Then he was the only choir kid who stayed late to tear down the stage. It was interesting to watch the men work with Ricky and their looks of approval at his hustle. At 12:30 I insisted he come home with me. As we headed for the car, he said, "You were right, Mom. I'm exhausted." He slept until noon. When he got up, he said, "I can't wait for next year's invitational!"

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